decorative floors

Benefits of ArtDecor decorative flooring

Our decorative flooring systems give you design freedom to create any shape that matches your expectations for aesthetics, durability and worry-free maintenance. Guarantee of superior mechanical and chemical resistance, low maintenance, low VOCs and odour, and a more comfortable work environment. clean, safe and comfortable. Liquid-applied decorative flooring systems are hygienic solutions because they cure to provide a completely smooth, seamless floor with no cracks, gaps or joints, even when there are color changes in the design or between floor and wall transitions. The selected systems integrate a soft elastic material that reduces echoes, the disturbing noise of footsteps and falling objects, maximizing comfort. For systems installed directly on prepared concrete, the complete installation requires only three days. To renovate an existing decorative floor or change the color or pattern of it, the easiest way is to repaint the floor with an additional thin coat. This process is convenient and helps keep maintenance costs low.

You can find epoxy resin on the net under the name of polyepoxide. It is a thermosetting substance that modifies its structure by hardening when mixed with other materials. The material that it is usually mixed with is a catalyzing agent that has that hardening effect on it.

Epoxy resin is widely used for painting, thus creating an epoxy resin composition for floors. The reason why it is used above all on floors is its high resistance and that is why it is very suitable for covering these surfaces.

Apart from having a high resistance for interiors and being composed on a solvent base, epoxy resin in floors gives a smooth and shiny finish to the surface on which it is applied. One of the positive points of this painting is that it can be touched up and more layers can be added at a later time when you want to make repairs. .

On the other hand, epoxy resin floors are perfect for garages because they are very resistant to chemicals and fuels that can somehow be found there. However, you have to take into account that the surface on which it is going to be applied does not have to have joints. The reason is that the joints will break with the entire substance.

Other positive characteristics of epoxy resin for floors is that it allows you to give a very modern and elegant decorative effect to your interior and does not allow moisture to pass through, unlike other floor coverings. This makes it a very easy coating to maintain and clean, since special floor cleaners are not needed.

Its drying time is very short and in 8 hours you can have a floor without stickiness. In addition, the transparent epoxy resin is also of a short walkable period. Once it has dried, you will have to wait about 24 hours to be able to go over it. The reason for this period of time is that the weight of the body can leave some trace on the surface.

At the same time, this paint is very adhesive to ceramic surfaces and covers wood very well. It is very resistant not only to humidity, but also to changes in temperature and you can use it as insulation. This last feature is ideal for people who have cooler homes.

From the point of view of design and decoration, the most used substances and materials are those that can be found in a wider range of colours. This type of painting covers this characteristic with which you can choose your color and you can also make your personal color.

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